Welcome to the Taarika Foundation!

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit mental health organization committed to supporting the whole child.

​Our Mission:

  1. Raise awareness about mental health care amongst children, adolescents and their learning parents
  2. Break stigma surrounding mental health disorders, prevention and care
  3. Improve social-emotional skills (emotional regulation, stress management) in local children and teens, starting as early as we can

Find out what we’re up to, and keep up with upcoming events.

We are determined to provide children, teens and learning parents with simple, actionable skills they can add to their social-emotional toolboxes.

Check out our Podcast series here:

In this podcast, Punam interviews Anju Bala, a listened financial advisor about better money management for better mental health.

And our YouTube series here:

Our “DBT skill: DEARMAN” episode for “Supporting the Whole Child,” a child and parent series by the Taarika Foundation.

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What does it mean for us to feel and be whole?

How can we empower the young people around us to be the best versions of themselves: caring, resilient, and healthy?

These are the questions we attempt to understand and answer with each of our projects, creations, and partnerships.

Taarika Foundation offers proactive parent mindfulness training

By Eliza Ridgeway

Serving local teenagers and their families in the Los Altos area, psychiatrist Dr. Leena Khanzode grew increasingly troubled by how many of the young people with complex emotional and mental health issues she encountered were already very sick by the time their families successfully accessed help.

“I was doing my job in terms of treating them, (but) it was very disturbing, so I would come back and think about what else can I do? I’m working with the people who are able to get help, but what about those who are unable to?” she said of the soul searching that grew as she built her practice over the past 12 years.

Khanzode said she spoke with colleagues experiencing the “emotional turmoil” of witnessing this need, and began to think about how to address the areas of distress at an earlier point for young people – not just building awareness and education, but focusing on the mantra “Prevention is better than cure.”

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